Kerala Chapter of IAPMR

The Kerala Chapter of IAPMR is a registered organization of Physiatrists working in Kerala State. Physiatrists are Modern Medicine doctors who have acquired a post graduate qualification in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

  Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PMR) is a specialty of Modern Medicine widely practiced in our country to rehabilitate the chronically ill patients and evaluate, diagnose and treat patients with various musculoskeletal ailments. Physiatrists also deal with providing comprehensive rehabilitation and support to persons with locomotor disabilities.

      We, as an Association deal with various issues affecting the Physiatrists. We stand together for the upliftment of our specialty and for upholding the indispensability of PMR as a Modern Medicine specialty. We also conduct scientific programs and CMEs to enrich our members and keep them updated to the rapid advance of the specialty.

For more details, Visit official website of Kerala chapter of IAPMR: