Delhi Chapter: Indraprastha Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

Indraprastha Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (IPARM) is a registered body of Physiatrists: Medical Specialists in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. IPARM is the official zonal chapter, "Delhi Chapter" of Indian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. The members having origin from the IPARM are spread all over the globe presently. 

Major activities of the IPARM have been to hold scientific meetings in the form of CMEs and Conferences, besides partaking in the conduct of the camps for the welfare of the persons with disability. It promotes scientific research by the young physiatrists (Post-graduate students) by instituting awards for the best scientific paper presented during the Annual Conferences. Orations by the stalwarts add to the glitter during the conferences.

Membership is open to all physiatrists whether working in Delhi or outside having keen interest to interact with the members from Delhi.

Upcoming Conference Information: 18th Annual Conference of Indraprastha Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

Dear all, It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that the 18th Annual Conference of Indraprastha Association of Rehabilitation Medicine is being organized by the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi.

The organizing committee members are pleased to invite you to participate in the conference for social & scientific gathering.

Dr. R.K Wadhwa                                                                    Dr. Ajay Gupta 

(Organizing Chairman)                                                     (Organizing Secretary) 

Professor & Head                                                                Professor

Dept. of PMR                                                                         Dept. of PMR

VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi                 VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi

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Abstract submission Form